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Above the Clouds


How it Began

(For me anyway)

During one of the Virtual FS’s in 2021, it was brought up about ‘The Red Faction’ from within Ingress (not referring to the bad Red Faction that l had no clue about but the donating blood one). Once upon a time l was in a motor vehicle accident that was a near fatal. I’m not a religious man but l was told by nurses that the stars must have aligned that day as there’s no reason l should have survived with the blood loss l had.


I am a massive supporter of blood donating. I donate every 2 weeks, l try and positively encourage all to try and donate that can healthy do so (l have family members that fit into categories that can't donate here in Australia, ie: to lower iron count, where in the UK between certain dates making them non-eligible & on heart medications). I will always post a photo of when l go and donate on my social medias so help spread the word about how easy it is to donate in an attempt to get others to see how easy it is.


In the early months of 2021 in the Melbourne Cross Faction FS TG chat it seems there has been a great deal of chatter about ‘The Red Faction’ from within Ingress which has been great, there was a post from a fellow agent regarding 'The often elusive Red Faction has returned to Ingress Australia!' and how 'Red Cross Lifeblood was appealing for 16,000 additional people to give blood or plasma during the next two weeks' as a number of the types of blood supplies had dropped to two days of supply.


It was great to discover that there has been a Team created for the Australian Red Cross now known as Lifeblood where agents donations can go towards our group faction total. This has been through no doing of my own but l fully support this and any a member of that team. Something that can bond the 2 factions.


I have tried searching but haven’t been able to find any sort of official (and Niantic unofficial of course lol) red faction information, page, group anywhere. I have found plenty of great stories, pictures and events from agents across the world have run under the red faction banner but nothing that really groups it all in one place and joins all agents together.


Now what do agents love more than playing Ingress & going to the pub? Swag. I will be self-funding this as well, looking at potential donations in the future to help cover costs but not concerned with it at the moment because l want to give away the swag for free for those that donate (l want to do some supporter swag as well for the people that are unable to donate as well because not all support is about giving a pint of the dark red stuff, it might be going and being a volunteer at the blood bank, driving people to their donation appointments etc etc but nothing planned for that just yet).


My plan is not to go crazy, just do a few small things either a sticker & cloth patch/badge to start off with. 


To find out more and how to claim click here and go to the Want to Support? page and follow the 3 easy steps.


If agents want to they can continue to post pictures of them donating or where their badges go.

The Logo

The #REDFACTION medal patch design was by the Australian Agents CtrlAltDuck, Simonoid, oppolot & CaptRoverman. After going over a number of designs we felt this one was the best. When you see it you know what it is and what it is relating too but is simple enough to be very visually pleasing to the eye.


Redcross Lifeblood Australia 

If you're in Australia and donate feel free to join up with the team 'Ingress Red Faction' and put any of your donations to the cross-factions totals.

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